Thursday, October 18, 2007

A club that is dreaded by many

When I sat down to think of what Movie to review I was really torn, should I do a comedy, or maybe romance. After much deliberation I thought I would keep with the spirit of this time of year and talk about a horror movie.

I was up late last night flipping through the channels when there it was, the absolute first movie I must talk about, Club Dread. Although it must be said up front that this is a spoof on all of the slasher films of the 80's and not truly a horror film persay. This movie, like most of Broken Lizard's projects, is overlooked by mainstream movie patrons. Most of you will know Broken Lizard from their movie Super Troopers which only became popular after going to DVD, however they have quite a library of projects they have been associated with.

The premise of this movie is best described by its tagline, "Sun, Sea, Sex and Slaughter." Guest travel to a resort island owned by Coconut Pete, a 1970's Jimmy Buffet on Acid styled singer/songwriter. People, mostly college kids, come to the island to party in all respects, sometimes though it is hard to tell who parties more the guests or the employees. But once the employees start ending up dead, it is a race to find out who the killer is while staying alive. The script of this movie is excellently written with witty and fresh humor the whole way through, and the casting is fantastic. When you see this movie you are torn between wanting all of the characters to live and anxiously anticipating the next murder, because when someone is murdered most of the time it is in some sort clever horror spoof fashion that makes you laugh out loud. There is just something about a movie that can make you laugh at murder.

My recommendation is of course, see it. Just remember when you watch Broken Lizard's Club Dread, watch it for what it is, a spoof.

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