Monday, October 29, 2007

We All Get Cabin Fever from Time to Time

I grew up mainly through the Eighties and have had plenty of experience with the Slasher Film. As a result of this I am not usually drawn to a Slasher Film per say, I suppose I have seen enough of them and I am more impressed if I can be scared without all of the gore. Now that being said I have to tell you that my step-children are of another school of thought, the more blood and gore the better. So on their last Christmas holiday at our house we just had to watch "Cabin Fever."

The basic premise of this movie is some college kids rent a cabin to get away and party after their finals. Once in the woods they are threatened by some homicidal maniacs and on top of this they start getting infected with a quickly progressing flesh eating disease. All of these factors equal one horrifying and gory movie. I have to say though even with all these gruesome details I have never laughed so hard at a horror movie in my life. "Cabin Fever" is not truly a horror film nor is it a comedy, however as both it is a pretty OK movie. This movie is full of corny lines that makes it oh so memorable and one scene in particular that will change the thought of shaving your legs forever.

As far as the quality of the film making I can not say a whole lot for it, there are bunches of continuity mistakes, but overall the movie outweighs these problems. I would suggest seeing this movie if you are at all a fan of slasher movies, because even though it is not even remotely a great movie it is highly entertaining.

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